Lipski, While not a glass artist, per se, is embraced by the glass world as one of it's own. He has worked with some amazing gaffers: at Pilchuck Glass School with Paul De Somma, in Murano with Simone Cenedese, at R.I.S.D. with Michael Scheiner, at The Museum of Glass in Tacoma with Ben Cobb, and most recently at Wheaton Arts with their wonderful crew. His work was the inaugural show at the Lehman Gallery of Urban Glass, then in Brooklyn. His glass works are in the collections of many museums, including The Corning Museum of Glass, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, The Whitney Museum, and The Detroit Art Institute.
" I love everything about glass. I've used broken glass, beaded glass, plate glass, tempered glass, spun glass, fiberglass and isinglass; beakers, bottles,bubblers, bulbs and burets; lenses and mirrors, culture tubes, Winthrop tubes, Venturi tubes and test tubes; prisms, pipes and pipets; crystal balls,micro-balls and glass eye balls; cover glasses, watch glasses, eye glasses and shot glasses; blown, cast, lamp-worked, pooled, slumped, dumped and pumped glass."